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Reporting API Documentation

Get Started

Follow these simple steps to register your app and get started with the Pike13 Reporting API.

JSON Conventions

Reporting API endpoints all adhere to JSON API version 1.0. Each endpoint represents a resource query that may be created to produce a query result. The available attributes for resource queries are identical to those available for JSON API version 1.0 resource indexing (e.g. sorting, pagination, etc.)

Requests and responses share a common structure for all endpoints. Each endpoint differs only in the fields and groupings available.


Required Attributes
fields array

Name of the fields to return for each row in the response.

There are two types of fields:

  1. Detail Field - Available only when not grouping.
  2. Summary Field - Available only when grouping.

See each endpoint's documentation for available Detail Fields and Summary Fields.

Optional Attributes
filter array

How to select rows included in the response.

The filter is applied to rows before the grouping is performed, if a grouping is requested.

See filtering for details.

group string

How to group rows.

Only Summary Fields may be requested when a grouping is used.

See each endpoint's documentation for available groupings.

page object

How to paginate rows.

See pagination for details.

sort array

How to sort rows.

See sorting for details.

total_count boolean

Whether to return a count of all rows matching the query's filter. Result is provided in the response's total_count attribute.


duration float Time required to execute the query, in seconds.
fields array

Name and type of each field returned.

This is valuable when requesting a logical field that is expanded into additional fields unknown by the client at query time.

has_more boolean Whether an additional page of rows are available, assuming the same request criteria.
last_key string key of the last row returned. When paginating this is used as the starting_after value for the next query.
meta hash

Other feedback about the query. This field's format may change over time as JSON API extensions are formalized.

For example, deprecation messages will be provided here.

rows array Requested fields for each row of the response. If a field is not present in a row a null value will be provided, regardless of the field's type.
total_count integer Total count of all rows matching the query's filter, or all available rows if no filter provided.


POST /desk/api/v3/reports/invoice_items/queries
    "data": {
      "type": "queries",
      "attributes": {
        "fields": [ "net_paid_revenue_amount", "currency_code", "invoice_item_id", "product_name" ],
        "sort": [ "net_paid_revenue_amount-" ],
        "page": {
          "limit": 100
        "filter": ["gt", "net_paid_revenue_amount", 10000]
    "data": {
      "attributes": {
        "rows": [
          [20050, "USD", 5, "Tartan"],
          [20000, "USD", 2, "Xylophone"],
          [10020, "USD", 1, "Django"]
        "duration": 0.252,
        "last_key": "abc123",
        "has_more": false,
        "fields": [
            "name": "net_paid_revenue_amount",
            "type": "currency",
            "name": "curency_code",
            "type": "string",
            "name": "invoice_item_id",
            "type": "integer",
            "name": "product_name",
            "type": "string"
    "meta": { }


The filter request attribute is an array representing the criteria a row must meet to be included in the response. Each filter is an array consisting of an operation follow by zero or more arguments.

If not provided then all rows for the business will be eligible to be included in the response.


Conjunctively apply all filter arguments.


# 'id' must be greater than 5 AND less than 10
['and', [['lt', 'id', 10], ['gt', 'id', 5]]]

Match values greater than or equal the first argument and less than or equal to the second.


# 'id' must be greater than or equal 1 and less than or equal to 10
['btw', 'id', 1, 10]

Match values contains the argument. String matching is case-insensitive .


# 'product_name' must contain "Acme", "acme", or any other case variation
['contains', 'product_name', 'Acme']

Match values that are NULL or the empty string.


# 'voided_at' must be NULL
['emp', 'voided_at']

Match values ending with the argument. String matching is case-insensitive.


# 'product_name' must end with "Acme", "acme", or any other case variation
['ends', 'product_name', 'Acme']

Match values equal to the argument. String matching is case-insensitive.


# 'id' must be equal to 10
['eq', 'id', 10]

Match values greater than the argument.


# 'id' must be greater than 10
['gt', 'id', 10]

Match values less than the argument.


# 'id' must be less than 10
['lt', 'id', 10]

Match values that are not NULL and not the empty string.


# 'voided_at' must not be NULL
['nemp', 'voided_at']

Match values not equal to the argument. String matching is case-insensitive. .


# 'id' must not be equal to 10
['ne', 'id', 10]

Disjunctively apply all filter arguments


# 'id' must be greater than 10 OR less than 5
['or', [['gt', 'id', 10], ['lt', 'id', 5]]]

Match values starting with the argument. String matching is case-insensitive. .


# 'product_name' must start with "Acme", "acme", or any other case variation
['starts', 'product_name', 'Acme']

Match values not containing the argument. String matching is case-insensitive .


# 'product_name' must not contain "Acme", "acme", or any other case variation
['wo', 'product_name', 'Acme']


The sort attribute is an array consisting of one or more field names appended by a sort indicator. The sort indicator may either be + for an ascending sort or - for a descending sort.

If not specified then rows will be returned in an undefined order.


# sort by ascending 'id'
# sort by ascending 'product_name', then by descending 'id'.
['product_name+', 'id-']

Field Types


String value of "t" when true or "f" when false.


Integer representing the amount in the smallest fractional units of their respective currencies. For example, values of United States currency will be in cents, values of Japanese currency will be in yen, and so on.

Each endpoint with a currency field will have at least one currency code field. Currency codes are specified according to the ISO 4217 standard. See endpoint documentation for details.


ISO 8601 standard date string.

Dates will assume different timezones based on what they represent on a resource. They will NOT always be UTC. See endpoint documentation for details.


ISO 8601 standard date and time string.

Timezones will always be returned for each datetime. They will NOT always be UTC. See endpoint documentation for details.


ISO 8601 standard extended time string.

Note that only the extended format is used. For example, "13:30:00" is valid and "133000" is not.


Inclusive range represented as a two element array where the first element is the start of the range and the second is the end.

For example, an inclusive date range over Jan 1, 2015 and Dec 31, 2015 would be: ["2015-01-01", "2015-12-31"]

enum String from within a bounded set defined for each field. See endpoint documentation for details.
float Number that may have a fractional component.
integer Number without a fractional component.
string Free-form text.

Logical Fields

Not every requested field corresponds to a field in the response. Some are logical and may correspond to zero or more instance fields.

For example, the Person endpoint's custom_fields is a logical field. When requested it will expand to instance fields corresponding to all custom fields for the business.

Descriptions of the instance field(s) are provided by the fields attribute of the response.

60 2024-10-21 22:29:43 +0000 2024-10-21 22:30:00 +0000

Rate limit

Reporting API is rate-limited to 60 requests per minute per IP address or auth token. No rate limit is enforced per client application. This is subject to change at any time. If you think you have a legitimate need to exceed this limit, please contact Pike13 Support.

If you've hit a rate limit, the HTTP header of the response will contain rate limit information. The RateLimit-Reset field is the time when you can start sending requests again. It is in seconds from the epoch. The example below resets at Mon, 21 Oct 2024 22:30:00 +0000


HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 22:29:43 +0000
RateLimit-Limit: 60
RateLimit-Remaining: 0
RateLimit-Reset: 1729549800


All client data — from tenure and unpaid bills to birthdays and passes held.


POST /desk/api/v3/reports/clients/queries

Detail Fields

Available only when not grouping.

account_claim_date date

Date when the client claimed his/her account.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

account_credit_amount currency

Amount of account credit.

account_manager_emails string

List of account manager emails for the client, if the client is managed by one or more accounts.

account_manager_names string

List of account manager names for the client, if the client is managed by one or more accounts.

account_manager_phones string

List of account manager phone numbers for the client, if the client is managed by one or more accounts.

address string


age integer


also_staff boolean

Indicates whether the client is also a staff member.

birthdate date


business_id integer

Unique ID across all businesses.

business_name string

Name of the business.

business_subdomain string

Subdomain of the business.

client_since_date date

Date when the client joined. For merged clients, this will be the earliest created date of the clients being merged.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

completed_visits integer

Number of completed visits the client made.

currency_code string

Currency code is a three-letter code assigned to each currency based on ISO 4217.

current_plan_revenue_category string

All revenue categories for current_plans.

current_plan_types string

All plan types for current_plans.

current_plans string

Comma-separated list of the names of current available plans owned by the client.

custom_fields logical

All client custom fields for the business. This is not supported for the holdings level business of a franchise.

Each custom field will be returned as a separate field in the response.

days_since_last_visit integer

Number of days since last_visit_date.

days_until_birthday integer

Number of days until birthday.

dependent_names string

List of dependent names for the client, if the client has one or more dependents.

email string


first_name string

First name.

first_visit_date date

Date of the client's first completed visit.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

franchise_id integer

Unique ID of the holdings level business for the franchise.

full_name string

First and last name.

future_visits integer

Number of future non-canceled visits, excluding waitlist enrollments.

guardian_email string

Guardian email.

guardian_name string

Guardian name.

has_membership boolean

Indicates whether the client currently has a usable pass/plan granting membership.

has_payment_on_file boolean

Indicates whether the client has a form of payment on file.

has_plan_on_hold boolean

Indicates whether the client has plan on hold.

has_signed_waiver boolean

Indicates whether the client signed a waiver.

home_location_name string

Home location name.

is_schedulable boolean

Indicates whether the client is schedulable.

key string

Unique value across all rows of a resource. This is a value specific to the Reporting API and is in no way used by the Pike13 web application or Core API.

Consider this value to be opaque and not conform to any particular format. However, you may safely assume that it will not exceed 255 characters in length.

Provide this value to starting_after to paginate through the rows of a query.

last_email_bounced boolean

Indicates whether the last email bounced.

last_invoice_amount currency

Amount for the last invoice. This doesn't include invoices that are canceled, on hold, or purchase request.

last_invoice_date date

Due date of the last invoice for the client in the past. This doesn't include invoices that are canceled, on hold, or purchase request.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

last_invoice_id integer

Unique ID of the client's last invoice that due in the past. This doesn't include invoices that are canceled, on hold, or purchase request.

last_invoice_unpaid boolean

Indicates whether the last invoice is open and not paid in full.

last_membership_end_date date

Date when the last plan/pass granting membership ends. This field will be null if the client has an unlimited plan.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

last_name string

Last name.

last_signed_waiver_name string

Name of the last waiver signed.

last_site_access_date date

Date when the client last accessed the site.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

last_visit_date date

Date of the client's last completed visit.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

last_visit_id integer

Unique ID of the client's last completed visit.

last_visit_service string

Name of the service of the last completed visit.

middle_name string

Middle name.

net_paid_amount currency

Total amount of all successful transactions in the client's lifetime.

next_pass_plan_end_date date

Date when the next pass/plan should end. This field will be null if the client has no available plans or all available plans are unlimited.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

person_id integer

Unique ID across all people.

person_state enum

Current state.

phone string

Phone number.

primary_staff_name string

Primary staff member name.

revenue_amount currency

Portion of net_paid_amount that is not allocated to tax.

source_name enum

The method the client was created.

staff_member_who_added string

Name of staff member who added this client.

tenure integer

Number of days since client_since_date.

tenure_group enum

tenure group.

0_month Became a client in last 30 days.
1_quarter Became a client between 30 days and 90 days ago.
2_year Became a client between 90 days and 1 year ago.
3_two_years Became a client in between 1 and 2 years ago.
4_three_years Became a client between 2 and 3 years ago.
5_over_three_years Became a client more than 3 years ago.
unpaid_visits integer

Number of completed but unpaid visits the client made.

Summary Fields

Available only when grouping.

account_claim_count integer

Count of people where account_claim_date is set.

also_staff_count integer

Count of people where also_staff is true.

business_id_summary string

ID of the business.

business_subdomain_summary string

Subdomain of the business.

has_membership_count integer

Count of people where has_membership is true.

has_payment_on_file_count integer

Count of people where has_payment_on_file is true.

has_plan_on_hold_count integer

Count of people where has_plan_on_hold is true.

has_signed_waiver_count integer

Count of people where has_signed_waiver is true.

is_schedulable_count integer

Count of people where is_schedulable is true.

last_email_bounced_count integer

Count of people where last_email_bounced is true.

last_invoice_unpaid_count integer

Count of people where last_invoice_unpaid is true.

person_count integer

Count of unique people.

total_account_credit_amount currency

Sum of account_credit_amount.

total_completed_visits integer

Sum of completed_visits.

total_count integer

Total count of all rows matching the query.

total_future_visits integer

Sum of future_visits.

total_net_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount.

total_revenue_amount currency

Sum of revenue_amount.

total_unpaid_visits integer

Sum of unpaid_visits.

visited_site_count integer

Count of people where last_site_access_date is set.


account_claim_date date

See detail field account_claim_date.

account_manager_names string

See detail field account_manager_names.

age integer

See detail field age.

also_staff boolean

See detail field also_staff.

business_id integer

See detail field business_id.

business_name string

See detail field business_name.

business_subdomain string

See detail field business_subdomain.

client_since_date date

See detail field client_since_date.

client_since_month_start_date date

Group by month of client_since_date. Months are represented by their first date.

client_since_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of client_since_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

client_since_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of client_since_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

client_since_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of client_since_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

client_since_year_start_date date

Group by year of client_since_date. Years are represented by their first date.

has_membership boolean

See detail field has_membership.

has_payment_on_file boolean

See detail field has_payment_on_file.

has_plan_on_hold boolean

See detail field has_plan_on_hold.

has_signed_waiver boolean

See detail field has_signed_waiver.

home_location_name string

See detail field home_location_name.

is_schedulable boolean

See detail field is_schedulable.

last_email_bounced boolean

See detail field last_email_bounced.

last_invoice_unpaid boolean

See detail field last_invoice_unpaid.

person_state enum

See detail field person_state.

primary_staff_name string

See detail field primary_staff_name.

source_name enum

See detail field source_name.

staff_member_who_added enum

See detail field staff_member_who_added.

tenure_group enum

See detail field tenure_group.


Data about visit and waitlist history, behavior, and trends.


POST /desk/api/v3/reports/enrollments/queries

Detail Fields

Available only when not grouping.

account_manager_emails string

List of account manager emails for the client, if the client is managed by one or more accounts.

account_manager_names string

List of account manager names for the client, if the client is managed by one or more accounts.

account_manager_phones string

List of account manager phone numbers for the client, if the client is managed by one or more accounts.

address string


available_plans string

List of plans available to pay for this visit. This field will only have a value if the visit is unpaid.

birthdate date


bulk_enrolled boolean

Indicates whether this enrollment was bulk enrolled.

business_id integer

Unique ID across all businesses.

business_name string

Name of the business.

business_subdomain string

Subdomain of the business.

cancelled_at datetime

Date and time when the visit was canceled.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

cancelled_to_start integer

Number of hours from cancelled_at to start_at.

client_booked boolean

Indicates whether the visit was booked by a client.

completed_at datetime

Date and time when the visit was completed. In general, this is when an instructor marks a client as having attended the event.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

consider_member boolean

Indicates whether the pass or plan used to pay grants membership status.

currency_code string

Currency code is a three-letter code assigned to each currency based on ISO 4217.

duration_in_hours float

Duration of the event occurrence in hours.

duration_in_minutes integer

Duration of the event occurrence in minutes.

email string


end_at datetime

Date and time when the event occurrence ended.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

estimated_amount currency

Estimated amount collected by the visit.

For example, if a 4 visit prepaid plan was used to pay for the visit, 25% of the amount paid for the plan could be attributed to a single visit.

event_id integer

Unique ID across all events.

event_name string

Name of the event.

event_occurrence_id integer

Unique ID across all event occurrences.

first_visit boolean

Indicates whether this is the client's first visit.

franchise_id integer

Unique ID of the holdings level business for the franchise.

full_name string

First and last name.

home_location_name string

Home location name.

instructor_names string

List of staff instructor names.

is_paid boolean

Indicates whether the visit is paid.

is_rollover boolean

Indicates whether a rollover punch was used to pay for the visit.

is_waitlist boolean

Indicates whether this enrollment is on a waitlist.

key string

Unique value across all rows of a resource. This is a value specific to the Reporting API and is in no way used by the Pike13 web application or Core API.

Consider this value to be opaque and not conform to any particular format. However, you may safely assume that it will not exceed 255 characters in length.

Provide this value to starting_after to paginate through the rows of a query.

make_up_issued boolean

Indicates whether a make-up was issued for the visit.

noshow_at datetime

Date and time when the visit was marked as noshow.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

paid_with string

The name of the pass or plan used to pay for the visit.

paid_with_complimentary_pass boolean

Indicate whether the pass used to pay for the visit is a complimentary pass.

paid_with_type enum

The type of the pass or plan used to pay for the visit.

person_id integer

Unique ID across all people.

phone string

Phone number.

plan_id integer

Plan used to pay for the visit. Identifier is unique across all plans.

plan_product_id integer

Plan product associated with the plan used to pay for the visit. Identifier is unique across all plan products.

primary_staff_name string

Primary staff member name.

punch_id integer

Unique ID of the punch used as payment for the visit. ID is unique across all punches.

punchcard_id integer

Punchcard used to pay for the visit. Identifier is unique across all punchcards.

registered_at datetime

Date and time when the client was enrolled in the event occurrence.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

service_category string

Category of the service.

service_date date

Date when the service happened.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

service_day enum

The day of service_date. The value can be 0-6 where 0 is Sunday.

0 Sunday
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday
service_id integer

Unique ID across all services.

service_location_id integer

Unique ID of the location where the service was provided.

service_location_name string

Location where the service happened.

service_name string

Name of the service.

service_state enum

Current state of the service.

service_time time

Time component of service_date.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

service_type enum

Type of the service.

start_at datetime

Date and time when the event occurrence started.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

state enum

Current visit or waitlist state of the enrollment.

completed Visit state. Client was marked as having attended.
expired Waitlist state. Client was on the waitlist, but didn't get enrolled.
late_canceled Visit state. Client canceled the visit later than the service settings requested.
noshowed Visit state. Client was enrolled, but was marked as didn't show.
registered Visit state. Client was enrolled.
removed Waitlist state. Client was removed from the waitlist and was never on the roster.
reserved Visit state. Visit is reserved while the client is in the process of enrolling.
waiting Waitlist state. Client is waiting on the waitlist.
visit_id integer

Unique ID of the visit. ID is unique across all visits.

waitlist_id integer

Unique ID of the waitlist the client is waiting on. ID is unique across all waitlist entries.

waitlisted_at datetime

Date and time when the client was added to the waitlist.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

Summary Fields

Available only when grouping.

avg_per_visit_amount currency

Average amount collected per visit.

business_id_summary string

ID of the business.

business_subdomain_summary string

Subdomain of the business.

client_booked_count integer

Count of visits where client_booked is true.

completed_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is completed.

consider_member_count integer

Count of visits where consider_member is true.

enrollment_count integer

Count of unique enrollments.

event_count integer

Count of unique events.

event_occurrence_count integer

Count of unique event occurrences.

expired_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is expired.

first_visit_count integer

Count of visits where first_visit is true.

is_paid_count integer

Count of visits where is_paid is true.

is_rollover_count integer

Count of visits where is_rollover is true.

is_waitlist_count integer

Count of enrollments where is_waitlist is true.

late_canceled_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is late_canceled.

noshowed_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is noshowed.

person_count integer

Count of unique people.

registered_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is registered.

removed_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is removed.

reserved_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is reserved.

service_count integer

Count of unique services.

total_count integer

Total count of all rows matching the query.

total_duration_in_hours float

Sum of duration_in_hours.

total_duration_in_minutes integer

Sum of duration_in_minutes.

total_visits_amount currency

Total amount collected across all visits.

unpaid_visit_count integer

Count of visits where is_paid is false.

unpaid_visit_percent integer

Percent of visits where is_paid is false.

visit_count integer

Count of enrollments where visit_id is not null.

waiting_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is waiting.

weekday_0_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where service_day is Sunday.

weekday_1_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where service_day is Monday.

weekday_2_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where service_day is Tuesday.

weekday_3_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where service_day is Wednesday.

weekday_4_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where service_day is Thursday.

weekday_5_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where service_day is Friday.

weekday_6_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where service_day is Saturday.


business_id integer

See detail field business_id.

business_name string

See detail field business_name.

business_subdomain string

See detail field business_subdomain.

client_booked boolean

See detail field client_booked.

consider_member boolean

See detail field consider_member.

event_id integer

See detail field event_id.

event_name string

See detail field event_name.

event_occurrence_id integer

See detail field event_occurrence_id.

first_visit boolean

See detail field first_visit.

full_name string

See detail field full_name.

home_location_name string

See detail field home_location_name.

instructor_names string

See detail field instructor_names.

is_paid boolean

See detail field is_paid.

is_rollover boolean

See detail field is_rollover.

is_waitlist boolean

See detail field is_waitlist.

paid_with string

See detail field paid_with.

paid_with_complimentary_pass boolean

See detail field paid_with_complimentary_pass.

paid_with_type enum

See detail field paid_with_type.

person_id integer

See detail field person_id.

plan_id integer

See detail field plan_id.

plan_product_id integer

See detail field plan_product_id.

primary_staff_name string

See detail field primary_staff_name.

punch_id integer

See detail field punch_id.

punchcard_id integer

See detail field punchcard_id.

service_category string

See detail field service_category.

service_date date

See detail field service_date.

service_day enum

See detail field service_day.

service_id integer

See detail field service_id.

service_location_id integer

See detail field service_location_id.

service_location_name string

See detail field service_location_name.

service_month_start_date date

Group by month of service_date. Months are represented by their first date.

service_name string

See detail field service_name.

service_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of service_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

service_state enum

See detail field service_state.

service_time time

See detail field service_time.

service_type enum

See detail field service_type.

service_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of service_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

service_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of service_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

service_year_start_date date

Group by year of service_date. Years are represented by their first date.

state enum

See detail field state.

Event Occurrence Staff Members

Details of event occurrences by staff member. If there are more than one staff members for the event occurrence, a record will display for each staff member. Staff member is the instructor, trainer, or organizer of the event occurrence.


POST /desk/api/v3/reports/event_occurrence_staff_members/queries

Detail Fields

Available only when not grouping.

address string

Address of the staff member.

attendance_completed boolean

Indicates whether attendence was completed for this event occurrence.

business_id integer

Unique ID across all businesses.

business_name string

Name of the business.

business_subdomain string

Subdomain of the business.

capacity integer

The maximum number of clients that can register for this event occurrence.

completed_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is completed for this event occurrence. Completed means client was marked as having attended.

completed_unpaid_count integer

Count of completed visits that were unpaid for this event occurrence.

currency_code string

Currency code is a three-letter code assigned to each currency based on ISO 4217.

duration_in_hours float

Duration of the event occurrence in hours.

duration_in_minutes integer

Duration of the event occurrence in minutes.

email string

Email of the staff member.

end_at datetime

Date and time when the event occurrence ended.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments for this event occurrence.

event_id integer

Unique ID across all events.

event_name string

Name of the event.

event_occurrence_id integer

Unique ID across all event occurrences.

expired_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is expired from the waitlist for this event occurrence. Expired means client was on the waitlist, but didn't get enrolled.

franchise_id integer

Unique ID of the holdings level business for the franchise.

full_name string

First and last name of the staff member.

home_location_id integer

Unique ID across all locations.

home_location_name string

Home location name of the staff member.

is_waitlist_count integer

Count of waitlist entries for this event occurrence.

key string

Unique value across all rows of a resource. This is a value specific to the Reporting API and is in no way used by the Pike13 web application or Core API.

Consider this value to be opaque and not conform to any particular format. However, you may safely assume that it will not exceed 255 characters in length.

Provide this value to starting_after to paginate through the rows of a query.

late_canceled_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is late_canceled for this event occurrence. late_canceled means client canceled the visit later than the service settings requested.

noshowed_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is noshowed for this event occurrence. Noshowed means client was enrolled, but was marked as didn't show.

paid_count integer

Count of paid visits for this event occurrence.

person_id integer

Unique ID of the staff member across all people.

phone string

Phone number of the staff member.

registered_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is registered for this event occurrence. Registered means client was enrolled.

removed_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is removed from the waitlist for this event occurrence. Removed means client was removed from the waitlist and was never on the roster.

reserved_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is reserved for this event occurrence. Reserved means visit is reserved while the client is in the process of enrolling.

role enum

Staff member permission.

service_category string

Category of the service.

service_date date

Date when the service happened.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

service_day enum

The day of service_date. The value can be 0-6 where 0 is Sunday.

0 Sunday
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday
service_id integer

Unique ID across all services.

service_location_id integer

Unique ID of the location where the service was provided.

service_location_name string

Location where the service happened.

service_name string

Name of the service.

service_state enum

Current state of the service.

service_time time

Time component of service_date.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

service_type enum

Type of the service.

start_at datetime

Date and time when the event occurrence started.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

visit_count integer

Count of visits for this event occurrence.

waiting_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is waiting on the waitlist for this event occurrence. Waiting means client is waiting on the waitlist.

waitlist_to_visit_count integer

Count of visits that moved from a waitlist to a roster.

Summary Fields

Available only when grouping.

attendance_completed_count integer

Count of event occurrences where attendance_completed is true.

business_id_summary string

ID of the business.

business_subdomain_summary string

Subdomain of the business.

event_count integer

Count of unique events.

event_occurrence_count integer

Count of unique event occurrences.

person_count integer

Count of unique staff members.

service_count integer

Count of unique services.

total_capacity integer

Sum of capacity.

total_completed_enrollment_count integer

Sum of completed_enrollment_count.

total_completed_unpaid_count integer

Sum of completed_unpaid_count.

total_count integer

Total count of all rows matching the query.

total_duration_in_hours float

Sum of duration_in_hours.

total_duration_in_minutes integer

Sum of duration_in_minutes.

total_enrollment_count integer

Sum of enrollment_count.

total_expired_enrollment_count integer

Sum of expired_enrollment_count.

total_is_waitlist_count integer

Sum of is_waitlist_count.

total_late_canceled_enrollment_count integer

Sum of late_canceled_enrollment_count.

total_noshowed_enrollment_count integer

Sum of noshowed_enrollment_count.

total_paid_count integer

Sum of paid_count.

total_registered_enrollment_count integer

Sum of registered_enrollment_count.

total_removed_enrollment_count integer

Sum of removed_enrollment_count.

total_reserved_enrollment_count integer

Sum of reserved_enrollment_count.

total_visit_count integer

Sum of visit_count.

total_waiting_enrollment_count integer

Sum of waiting_enrollment_count.

total_waitlist_to_visit_count integer

Sum of waitlist_to_visit_count.


attendance_completed boolean

See detail field attendance_completed.

business_id integer

See detail field business_id.

business_name string

See detail field business_name.

business_subdomain string

See detail field business_subdomain.

event_id integer

See detail field event_id.

event_name string

See detail field event_name.

event_occurrence_id integer

See detail field event_occurrence_id.

full_name string

See detail field full_name.

person_id integer

See detail field person_id.

role enum

See detail field role.

service_category string

See detail field service_category.

service_date date

See detail field service_date.

service_day enum

See detail field service_day.

service_id integer

See detail field service_id.

service_location_id integer

See detail field service_location_id.

service_location_name string

See detail field service_location_name.

service_month_start_date date

Group by month of service_date. Months are represented by their first date.

service_name string

See detail field service_name.

service_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of service_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

service_state enum

See detail field service_state.

service_time time

See detail field service_time.

service_type enum

See detail field service_type.

service_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of service_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

service_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of service_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

service_year_start_date date

Group by year of service_date. Years are represented by their first date.

Event Occurrences

An event occurrence is a scheduled instance of a Service. For example, the phrase "Group Workout from 9am-10am on 2014/09/01" could be used to describe an Event Occurrence.


POST /desk/api/v3/reports/event_occurrences/queries

Detail Fields

Available only when not grouping.

attendance_completed boolean

Indicates whether attendence was completed for this event occurrence.

business_id integer

Unique ID across all businesses.

business_name string

Name of the business.

business_subdomain string

Subdomain of the business.

capacity integer

The maximum number of clients that can register for this event occurrence.

completed_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is completed for this event occurrence. Completed means client was marked as having attended.

completed_unpaid_count integer

Count of completed visits that were unpaid for this event occurrence.

currency_code string

Currency code is a three-letter code assigned to each currency based on ISO 4217.

duration_in_hours float

Duration of the event occurrence in hours.

duration_in_minutes integer

Duration of the event occurrence in minutes.

end_at datetime

Date and time when the event occurrence ended.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments for this event occurrence.

event_id integer

Unique ID across all events.

event_name string

Name of the event.

event_occurrence_id integer

Unique ID across all event occurrences.

expired_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is expired from the waitlist for this event occurrence. Expired means client was on the waitlist, but didn't get enrolled.

franchise_id integer

Unique ID of the holdings level business for the franchise.

instructor_names string

List of staff instructor names.

is_waitlist_count integer

Count of waitlist entries for this event occurrence.

key string

Unique value across all rows of a resource. This is a value specific to the Reporting API and is in no way used by the Pike13 web application or Core API.

Consider this value to be opaque and not conform to any particular format. However, you may safely assume that it will not exceed 255 characters in length.

Provide this value to starting_after to paginate through the rows of a query.

late_canceled_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is late_canceled for this event occurrence. late_canceled means client canceled the visit later than the service settings requested.

noshowed_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is noshowed for this event occurrence. Noshowed means client was enrolled, but was marked as didn't show.

paid_count integer

Count of paid visits for this event occurrence.

registered_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is registered for this event occurrence. Registered means client was enrolled.

removed_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is removed from the waitlist for this event occurrence. Removed means client was removed from the waitlist and was never on the roster.

reserved_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is reserved for this event occurrence. Reserved means visit is reserved while the client is in the process of enrolling.

service_category string

Category of the service.

service_date date

Date when the service happened.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

service_day enum

The day of service_date. The value can be 0-6 where 0 is Sunday.

0 Sunday
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday
service_id integer

Unique ID across all services.

service_location_id integer

Unique ID of the location where the service was provided.

service_location_name string

Location where the service happened.

service_name string

Name of the service.

service_state enum

Current state of the service.

service_time time

Time component of service_date.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

service_type enum

Type of the service.

start_at datetime

Date and time when the event occurrence started.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

visit_count integer

Count of visits for this event occurrence.

waiting_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where state is waiting on the waitlist for this event occurrence. Waiting means client is waiting on the waitlist.

waitlist_to_visit_count integer

Count of visits that moved from a waitlist to a roster.

Summary Fields

Available only when grouping.

attendance_completed_count integer

Count of event occurrences where attendance_completed is true.

business_id_summary string

ID of the business.

business_subdomain_summary string

Subdomain of the business.

event_count integer

Count of unique events.

event_occurrence_count integer

Count of unique event occurrences.

service_count integer

Count of unique services.

total_capacity integer

Sum of capacity.

total_completed_enrollment_count integer

Sum of completed_enrollment_count.

total_completed_unpaid_count integer

Sum of completed_unpaid_count.

total_count integer

Total count of all rows matching the query.

total_duration_in_hours float

Sum of duration_in_hours.

total_duration_in_minutes integer

Sum of duration_in_minutes.

total_enrollment_count integer

Sum of enrollment_count.

total_expired_enrollment_count integer

Sum of expired_enrollment_count.

total_is_waitlist_count integer

Sum of is_waitlist_count.

total_late_canceled_enrollment_count integer

Sum of late_canceled_enrollment_count.

total_noshowed_enrollment_count integer

Sum of noshowed_enrollment_count.

total_paid_count integer

Sum of paid_count.

total_registered_enrollment_count integer

Sum of registered_enrollment_count.

total_removed_enrollment_count integer

Sum of removed_enrollment_count.

total_reserved_enrollment_count integer

Sum of reserved_enrollment_count.

total_visit_count integer

Sum of visit_count.

total_waiting_enrollment_count integer

Sum of waiting_enrollment_count.

total_waitlist_to_visit_count integer

Sum of waitlist_to_visit_count.


attendance_completed boolean

See detail field attendance_completed.

business_id integer

See detail field business_id.

business_name string

See detail field business_name.

business_subdomain string

See detail field business_subdomain.

event_id integer

See detail field event_id.

event_name string

See detail field event_name.

event_occurrence_id integer

See detail field event_occurrence_id.

instructor_names string

See detail field instructor_names.

service_category string

See detail field service_category.

service_date date

See detail field service_date.

service_day enum

See detail field service_day.

service_id integer

See detail field service_id.

service_location_id integer

See detail field service_location_id.

service_location_name string

See detail field service_location_name.

service_month_start_date date

Group by month of service_date. Months are represented by their first date.

service_name string

See detail field service_name.

service_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of service_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

service_state enum

See detail field service_state.

service_time time

See detail field service_time.

service_type enum

See detail field service_type.

service_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of service_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

service_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of service_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

service_year_start_date date

Group by year of service_date. Years are represented by their first date.

Invoice Items

Item-level details of invoices.


POST /desk/api/v3/reports/invoice_items/queries

Detail Fields

Available only when not grouping.

adjustments_amount currency

Total amount of non-discount and non-coupon adjustments applied, such as price overrides or prorated amounts.

For example, prorating an invoice item will adjust the gross_amount by a value which will be included here.

Note that it is possible for this amount to increase the gross_amount. For example, prorating a membership to a duration longer than its usual period of time will result in a proportional increase of the gross_amount.

business_id integer

Unique ID across all businesses.

business_name string

Name of the business.

business_subdomain string

Subdomain of the business.

closed_at datetime

Date and time when the invoice was closed.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

closed_date date

Date component of closed_at.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

commission_recipient_name string

Full name of the staff member receiving commission. Only provided when a commission recipient is specified at the time the invoice is created.

coupon_code string

The coupon code applied.

coupons_amount currency

Total amount of coupons applied.

created_by_client boolean

Indicates whether the invoice was created by a client.

created_by_name string

Full name of staff or client who created the invoice.

currency_code string

Currency code is a three-letter code assigned to each currency based on ISO 4217.

days_since_invoice_due integer

Number of days since invoice_due_date. Will be blank for invoices that are due in the future.

discount_type enum

Type of discount, if applicable.

discounts_amount currency

Total amount of discounts applied.

This does NOT include coupons or adjustments.

expected_amount currency

Total amount expected to be collected given the discounts, coupons, and adjustments.

expected_revenue_amount currency

Portion of expected_amount that is not allocated to tax.

expected_tax_amount currency

Portion of expected_amount that is allocated to tax.

failed_transactions integer

Count of unique failed transactions for this invoice.

franchise_id integer

Unique ID of the holdings level business for the franchise.

grants_membership boolean

Indicates whether the item purchased grants membership status.

gross_amount currency

Price of the product at time of sale including inclusive tax, yet excluding exclusive taxes and adjustments.

invoice_autobill boolean

Indicates whether the invoice was created automatically.

invoice_due_date date

Date when the invoice is expected to be paid.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

invoice_id integer

Unique ID across all invoices.

invoice_item_id integer

Unique ID across all invoice items.

invoice_number string

Unique ID across all invoices for each business. For a franchise report, this number would not be unique, it is only unique at the business level.

This is different from invoice_id in that invoice_id is unique across all invoices, not just those for this business.

invoice_payer_email string

Email of the person responsible for payment of the invoice.

invoice_payer_home_location string

Current home location of person paying for the invoice.

invoice_payer_id integer

Unique ID across all people.

invoice_payer_name string

Full name of the person responsible for payment of the invoice.

invoice_payer_phone string

Phone number of the person responsible for payment of the invoice.

invoice_payer_primary_staff_name_at_sale string

Full name of the invoice payer's current primary staff member.

invoice_state enum

Current state of the invoice.

issued_at datetime

Date and time when the invoice is issued.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

issued_date date

Date component of issued_at.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

key string

Unique value across all rows of a resource. This is a value specific to the Reporting API and is in no way used by the Pike13 web application or Core API.

Consider this value to be opaque and not conform to any particular format. However, you may safely assume that it will not exceed 255 characters in length.

Provide this value to starting_after to paginate through the rows of a query.

net_paid_amount currency

Total amount of all successful transactions. This is the sum of payments_amount and refunds_amount.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

net_paid_revenue_amount currency

Portion of net_paid_amount that is not allocated to tax.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

net_paid_tax_amount currency

Portion of net_paid_amount that is allocated to tax.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

outstanding_amount currency

Total outstanding amount to be collected or unpaid amount.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

outstanding_revenue_amount currency

Portion of outstanding_amount that is not allocated to tax.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

outstanding_tax_amount currency

Portion of outstanding_amount that is allocated to tax.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

payments_amount currency

Amount of all successful payments.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

plan_id integer

Unique ID across all plans.

product_id integer

Unique ID across all products.

product_name string

Current product name. Note that product names can change over time. See product_name_at_sale for original product name, if applicable.

product_name_at_sale string

Product name at time of sale. Because product names are defined by the business and can be changed, we keep both product name at sale product_name_at_sale and the product name at present product_name.

product_type enum

Type of the product purchased.

cancellation_fee Recurring plan cancellation fees
deposit Deposits
external External retail products
hold_fee Fees for putting a plan on hold
pass Passes
plan_change Charges incurred a plan is upgraded
plan_participants_update Charges incurred when the number of participants on a plan is changed
prepaid Prepaid plans
recurring Plans that bill on a recurring basis, such as a monthly membership
retail Retail products
signup_fee Signup fees
tip Tips for staff members
unknown_adhoc_charge Adhoc charges with no type defined
unknown_plan Plans with no type defined
purchase_order_number integer

Unique ID across all purchase request, if applicable.

purchase_request_cancel_reason string

If purchase_request_state is canceled or declined, then the reason for cancellation or decline (up to first 50 characters).

purchase_request_message string

The purchase request message, if applicable (up to first 50 characters).

purchase_request_state enum

Current state of the purchase request.

recipient_names string

For pass or plan products, list of people that can use the pass or plan. This can differ from payer_name in some scenarios. For example, a parent may pay a recurring plan for a child. The person purchasing, may not be the same as who can use the pass or plan.

refunded_transactions integer

Count of unique settled refund transactions for this invoice.

refunds_amount currency

Amount of all successful refunds.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

retail_add_ons string

List of retail add-ons, if retail product. Add-ons are sold in conjunction with retail, not separately.

retail_options string

List of retail options, if retail product. For example, "size", "color", or "flavor".

revenue_category string

Business-defined revenue category assigned to a service or product. An invoice item will have at most one revenue category.

sale_location_name string

Name of the business location where the sale occurred.

tax_types string

List of tax types applied.

tax_types_extended string

List of tax types and rates applied.

voided_transactions integer

Count of unique voided transactions for this invoice.

Summary Fields

Available only when grouping.

business_id_summary string

ID of the business.

business_subdomain_summary string

Subdomain of the business.

grants_membership_count integer

Count of unique invoice items where grants_membership is true.

invoice_count integer

Count of unique invoices.

invoice_item_count integer

Count of unique invoice items.

total_adjustments_amount currency

Sum of adjustments_amount.

total_count integer

Total count of all rows matching the query.

total_coupons_amount currency

Sum of coupons_amount.

total_discounts_amount currency

Sum of discounts_amount.

total_expected_amount currency

Sum of expected_amount.

total_expected_revenue_amount currency

Sum of expected_revenue_amount.

total_expected_tax_amount currency

Sum of expected_tax_amount.

total_gross_amount currency

Sum of gross_amount.

total_net_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

total_net_paid_revenue_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_revenue_amount.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

total_net_paid_tax_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_tax_amount.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

total_outstanding_amount currency

Sum of outstanding_amount.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

total_outstanding_revenue_amount currency

Sum of outstanding_revenue_amount.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

total_outstanding_tax_amount currency

Sum of outstanding_tax_amount.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

total_payments_amount currency

Sum of payments_amount.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

total_refunds_amount currency

Sum of refunds_amount.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.


business_id integer

See detail field business_id.

business_name string

See detail field business_name.

business_subdomain string

See detail field business_subdomain.

closed_date date

See detail field closed_date.

closed_month_start_date date

Group by month of closed_date. Months are represented by their first date.

closed_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of closed_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

closed_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of closed_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

closed_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of closed_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

closed_year_start_date date

Group by year of closed_date. Years are represented by their first date.

commission_recipient_name string

See detail field commission_recipient_name.

coupon_code string

See detail field coupon_code.

created_by_client boolean

See detail field created_by_client.

created_by_name string

See detail field created_by_name.

discount_type enum

See detail field discount_type.

due_month_start_date date

Group by month of invoice_due_date. Months are represented by their first date.

due_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of invoice_due_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

due_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of invoice_due_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

due_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of invoice_due_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

due_year_start_date date

Group by year of invoice_due_date. Years are represented by their first date.

grants_membership boolean

See detail field grants_membership.

invoice_autobill boolean

See detail field invoice_autobill.

invoice_due_date date

See detail field invoice_due_date.

invoice_id integer

See detail field invoice_id.

invoice_number string

See detail field invoice_number.

invoice_payer_home_location string

See detail field invoice_payer_home_location.

invoice_payer_id integer

See detail field invoice_payer_id.

invoice_payer_name string

See detail field invoice_payer_name.

invoice_payer_primary_staff_name_at_sale string

See detail field invoice_payer_primary_staff_name_at_sale.

invoice_state enum

See detail field invoice_state.

issued_date date

See detail field issued_date.

issued_month_start_date date

Group by month of issued_date. Months are represented by their first date.

issued_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of issued_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

issued_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of issued_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

issued_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of issued_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

issued_year_start_date date

Group by year of issued_date. Years are represented by their first date.

plan_id integer

See detail field plan_id.

product_id integer

See detail field product_id.

product_name string

See detail field product_name.

product_name_at_sale string

See detail field product_name_at_sale.

product_type enum

See detail field product_type.

purchase_request_state enum

See detail field purchase_request_state.

revenue_category string

See detail field revenue_category.

sale_location_name string

See detail field sale_location_name.

Invoice Item Transactions

Item-level details of transactions. Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.


POST /desk/api/v3/reports/invoice_item_transactions/queries

Detail Fields

Available only when not grouping.

business_id integer

Unique ID across all businesses.

business_name string

Name of the business.

business_subdomain string

Subdomain of the business.

commission_recipient_name string

Full name of the staff member receiving commission. Only provided when a commission recipient is specified at the time the invoice is created.

created_by_name string

Full name of staff or client who created the invoice.

credit_card_name enum

Name of the credit card used for the transaction, if applicable.

currency_code string

Currency code is a three-letter code assigned to each currency based on ISO 4217.

error_message string

Error message if transaction failed.

external_payment_name string

Name of the external payment type as designated by the business, such as bitcoin or giftcard.

failed_at datetime

Date and time when the transaction failed.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

failed_date date

Date when the transaction failed.

Date component of failed_at.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

franchise_id integer

Unique ID of the holdings level business for the franchise.

grants_membership boolean

Indicates whether the item purchased grants membership status.

invoice_autobill boolean

Indicates whether the invoice was created automatically.

invoice_due_date date

Date when the invoice is expected to be paid.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

invoice_id integer

Unique ID across all invoices.

invoice_item_id integer

Unique ID across all invoice items.

invoice_number string

Unique ID across all invoices for each business. For a franchise report, this number would not be unique, it is only unique at the business level.

This is different from invoice_id in that invoice_id is unique across all invoices, not just those for this business.

invoice_payer_email string

Email of the person responsible for payment of the invoice.

invoice_payer_home_location string

Current home location of person paying for the invoice.

invoice_payer_id integer

Unique ID across all people.

invoice_payer_name string

Full name of the person responsible for payment of the invoice.

invoice_payer_phone string

Phone number of the person responsible for payment of the invoice.

invoice_payer_primary_staff_name_at_sale string

Full name of the invoice payer's current primary staff member.

invoice_state enum

Current state of the invoice.

key string

Unique value across all rows of a resource. This is a value specific to the Reporting API and is in no way used by the Pike13 web application or Core API.

Consider this value to be opaque and not conform to any particular format. However, you may safely assume that it will not exceed 255 characters in length.

Provide this value to starting_after to paginate through the rows of a query.

net_paid_amount currency

Amount of the successful transaction. For payments, this is the paid amount. For refunds, this is the refunded amount.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

net_paid_revenue_amount currency

Portion of net_paid_amount that is not allocated to tax.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

net_paid_tax_amount currency

Portion of net_paid_amount that is allocated to tax.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

payment_method enum

Payment method of the transaction.

payment_method_detail string

Details of the credit card or ACH payment_method used for the transaction. Credit cards details may include credit card name, last 4 digits, and expiration date. ACH details may include bank name and the masked account number displaying the 1st and last 4 digits.

payment_transaction_id integer

For refunds only. Unique transaction_id of the original payment which was refunded.

payments_amount currency

Amount of the successful payment.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

plan_id integer

Unique ID across all plans.

processing_method enum

Processing method of the transaction.

american_express American Express
global_pay Visa, MasterCard, and Discover.
other Other processing methods
processor_transaction_id string

ID associated with the payment method used for the transaction, if available. For example, this could be the check number when purchased with a check or the processing ID from a merchant processor when a credit card is used.

product_id integer

Unique ID across all products.

product_name string

Current product name. Note that product names can change over time. See product_name_at_sale for original product name, if applicable.

product_name_at_sale string

Product name at time of sale. Because product names are defined by the business and can be changed, we keep both product name at sale product_name_at_sale and the product name at present product_name.

product_type enum

Type of the product purchased.

cancellation_fee Recurring plan cancellation fees
deposit Deposits
external External retail products
hold_fee Fees for putting a plan on hold
pass Passes
plan_change Charges incurred a plan is upgraded
plan_participants_update Charges incurred when the number of participants on a plan is changed
prepaid Prepaid plans
recurring Plans that bill on a recurring basis, such as a monthly membership
retail Retail products
signup_fee Signup fees
tip Tips for staff members
unknown_adhoc_charge Adhoc charges with no type defined
unknown_plan Plans with no type defined
refunds_amount currency

Amount of the successful refund.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

revenue_category string

Business-defined revenue category assigned to a service or product. An invoice item will have at most one revenue category.

sale_location_name string

Name of the business location where the sale occurred.

transaction_amount currency

Amount of the transaction.

transaction_at datetime

Date and time when the transaction was created.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

transaction_autopay boolean

Indicates whether the transaction was created as part of automated billing.

transaction_date date

Date when the transaction was created.

Date component of transaction_at.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

transaction_id integer

Unique ID across all transactions.

transaction_state enum

Current state of the transaction.

transaction_type enum

Type of the transaction.

voided_at datetime

Date and time when the transaction was voided.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

Summary Fields

Available only when grouping.

business_id_summary string

ID of the business.

business_subdomain_summary string

Subdomain of the business.

failed_count integer

Count of unique failed transactions.

grants_membership_count integer

Count of unique invoice items where grants_membership is true.

invoice_count integer

Count of unique invoices.

invoice_item_count integer

Count of unique invoice items.

settled_count integer

Count of unique settled transactions.

total_count integer

Total count of all rows matching the query.

total_net_ach_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is ach.

total_net_american_express_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is creditcard and credit_card_name is american_express.

total_net_amex_processing_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where processing_method is american_express.

total_net_cash_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is cash.

total_net_check_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is check.

total_net_credit_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is credit.

total_net_discover_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is creditcard and credit_card_name is discover.

total_net_external_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is external.

total_net_global_pay_processing_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where processing_method is global_pay.

total_net_mastercard_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is creditcard and credit_card_name is mastercard.

total_net_other_credit_card_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is creditcard and credit_card_name is othercreditcard.

total_net_other_processing_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where processing_method is other.

total_net_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

total_net_paid_revenue_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_revenue_amount.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

total_net_paid_tax_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_tax_amount.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

total_net_visa_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is creditcard and credit_card_name is visa.

total_payments_amount currency

Sum of payments_amount.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

total_refunds_amount currency

Sum of refunds_amount.

Payments and refunds are performed against the invoice, not the invoice item. The amounts contributed to the invoice item are obtained by multiplying the base amount by the ratio of the invoice item's expected_amount to the invoice's expected_amount.

transaction_autopay_count integer

Count of unique transactions created as part of automated billing.

transaction_count integer

Count of unique transactions.


business_id integer

See detail field business_id.

business_name string

See detail field business_name.

business_subdomain string

See detail field business_subdomain.

commission_recipient_name string

See detail field commission_recipient_name.

created_by_name string

See detail field created_by_name.

credit_card_name enum

See detail field credit_card_name.

external_payment_name string

See detail field external_payment_name.

failed_date date

See detail field failed_date.

failed_month_start_date date

Group by month of failed_date. Months are represented by their first date.

failed_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of failed_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

failed_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of failed_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

failed_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of failed_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

failed_year_start_date date

Group by year of failed_date. Years are represented by their first date.

grants_membership boolean

See detail field grants_membership.

invoice_autobill boolean

See detail field invoice_autobill.

invoice_due_date date

See detail field invoice_due_date.

invoice_id integer

See detail field invoice_id.

invoice_item_id integer

See detail field invoice_item_id.

invoice_number string

See detail field invoice_number.

invoice_payer_home_location string

See detail field invoice_payer_home_location.

invoice_payer_id integer

See detail field invoice_payer_id.

invoice_payer_name string

See detail field invoice_payer_name.

invoice_payer_primary_staff_name_at_sale string

See detail field invoice_payer_primary_staff_name_at_sale.

invoice_state enum

See detail field invoice_state.

payment_method enum

See detail field payment_method.

plan_id integer

See detail field plan_id.

processing_method enum

See detail field processing_method.

product_id integer

See detail field product_id.

product_name string

See detail field product_name.

product_name_at_sale string

See detail field product_name_at_sale.

product_type enum

See detail field product_type.

revenue_category string

See detail field revenue_category.

sale_location_name string

See detail field sale_location_name.

transaction_autopay boolean

See detail field transaction_autopay.

transaction_date date

See detail field transaction_date.

transaction_id integer

See detail field transaction_id.

transaction_month_start_date date

Group by month of transaction_date. Months are represented by their first date.

transaction_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of transaction_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

transaction_state enum

See detail field transaction_state.

transaction_type enum

See detail field transaction_type.

transaction_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of transaction_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

transaction_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of transaction_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

transaction_year_start_date date

Group by year of transaction_date. Years are represented by their first date.


Details of invoices, their status, revenue, and payment information.


POST /desk/api/v3/reports/invoices/queries

Detail Fields

Available only when not grouping.

adjustments_amount currency

Total amount of non-discount and non-coupon adjustments applied, such as price overrides or prorated amounts.

For example, prorating an invoice item will adjust the gross_amount by a value which will be included here.

Note that it is possible for this amount to increase the gross_amount. For example, prorating a membership to a duration longer than its usual period of time will result in a proportional increase of the gross_amount.

business_id integer

Unique ID across all businesses.

business_name string

Name of the business.

business_subdomain string

Subdomain of the business.

closed_at datetime

Date and time when the invoice was closed.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

closed_date date

Date component of closed_at.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

commission_recipient_name string

Full name of the staff member receiving commission. Only provided when a commission recipient is specified at the time the invoice is created.

coupons_amount currency

Total amount of coupons applied.

created_by_client boolean

Indicates whether the invoice was created by a client.

created_by_name string

Full name of staff or client who created the invoice.

currency_code string

Currency code is a three-letter code assigned to each currency based on ISO 4217.

days_since_invoice_due integer

Number of days since invoice_due_date. Will be blank for invoices that are due in the future.

discounts_amount currency

Total amount of discounts applied.

This does NOT include coupons or adjustments.

expected_amount currency

Total amount expected to be collected given the discounts, coupons, and adjustments.

expected_revenue_amount currency

Portion of expected_amount that is not allocated to tax.

expected_tax_amount currency

Portion of expected_amount that is allocated to tax.

failed_transactions integer

Count of unique failed transactions for this invoice.

franchise_id integer

Unique ID of the holdings level business for the franchise.

gross_amount currency

Price of the product at time of sale including inclusive tax, yet excluding exclusive taxes and adjustments.

invoice_autobill boolean

Indicates whether the invoice was created automatically.

invoice_due_date date

Date when the invoice is expected to be paid.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

invoice_id integer

Unique ID across all invoices.

invoice_number string

Unique ID across all invoices for each business. For a franchise report, this number would not be unique, it is only unique at the business level.

This is different from invoice_id in that invoice_id is unique across all invoices, not just those for this business.

invoice_payer_email string

Email of the person responsible for payment of the invoice.

invoice_payer_home_location string

Current home location of person paying for the invoice.

invoice_payer_id integer

Unique ID across all people.

invoice_payer_name string

Full name of the person responsible for payment of the invoice.

invoice_payer_phone string

Phone number of the person responsible for payment of the invoice.

invoice_payer_primary_staff_name_at_sale string

Full name of the invoice payer's current primary staff member.

invoice_state enum

Current state of the invoice.

issued_at datetime

Date and time when the invoice is issued.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

issued_date date

Date component of issued_at.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

key string

Unique value across all rows of a resource. This is a value specific to the Reporting API and is in no way used by the Pike13 web application or Core API.

Consider this value to be opaque and not conform to any particular format. However, you may safely assume that it will not exceed 255 characters in length.

Provide this value to starting_after to paginate through the rows of a query.

net_paid_amount currency

Total amount of all successful transactions. This is the sum of payments_amount and refunds_amount.

net_paid_revenue_amount currency

Portion of net_paid_amount that is not allocated to tax.

net_paid_tax_amount currency

Portion of net_paid_amount that is allocated to tax.

outstanding_amount currency

Total outstanding amount to be collected or unpaid amount.

outstanding_revenue_amount currency

Portion of outstanding_amount that is not allocated to tax.

outstanding_tax_amount currency

Portion of outstanding_amount that is allocated to tax.

payments_amount currency

Amount of all successful payments.

purchase_order_number integer

Unique ID across all purchase request, if applicable.

purchase_request_cancel_reason string

If purchase_request_state is canceled or declined, then the reason for cancellation or decline (up to first 50 characters).

purchase_request_message string

The purchase request message, if applicable (up to first 50 characters).

purchase_request_state enum

Current state of the purchase request.

refunded_transactions integer

Count of unique settled refund transactions for this invoice.

refunds_amount currency

Amount of all successful refunds.

sale_location_name string

Name of the business location where the sale occurred.

voided_transactions integer

Count of unique voided transactions for this invoice.

Summary Fields

Available only when grouping.

business_id_summary string

ID of the business.

business_subdomain_summary string

Subdomain of the business.

created_by_client_count integer

Count of invoices where created_by_client is true.

invoice_autobill_count integer

Count of invoices where invoice_autobill is true.

invoice_count integer

Count of unique invoices.

total_adjustments_amount currency

Sum of adjustments_amount.

total_count integer

Total count of all rows matching the query.

total_coupons_amount currency

Sum of coupons_amount.

total_discounts_amount currency

Sum of discounts_amount.

total_expected_amount currency

Sum of expected_amount.

total_expected_revenue_amount currency

Sum of expected_revenue_amount.

total_expected_tax_amount currency

Sum of expected_tax_amount.

total_gross_amount currency

Sum of gross_amount.

total_net_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount.

total_net_paid_revenue_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_revenue_amount.

total_net_paid_tax_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_tax_amount.

total_outstanding_amount currency

Sum of outstanding_amount.

total_outstanding_revenue_amount currency

Sum of outstanding_revenue_amount.

total_outstanding_tax_amount currency

Sum of outstanding_tax_amount.

total_payments_amount currency

Sum of payments_amount.

total_refunds_amount currency

Sum of refunds_amount.


business_id integer

See detail field business_id.

business_name string

See detail field business_name.

business_subdomain string

See detail field business_subdomain.

closed_date date

See detail field closed_date.

closed_month_start_date date

Group by month of closed_date. Months are represented by their first date.

closed_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of closed_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

closed_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of closed_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

closed_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of closed_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

closed_year_start_date date

Group by year of closed_date. Years are represented by their first date.

commission_recipient_name string

See detail field commission_recipient_name.

created_by_client boolean

See detail field created_by_client.

created_by_name string

See detail field created_by_name.

due_month_start_date date

Group by month of invoice_due_date. Months are represented by their first date.

due_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of invoice_due_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

due_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of invoice_due_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

due_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of invoice_due_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

due_year_start_date date

Group by year of invoice_due_date. Years are represented by their first date.

invoice_autobill boolean

See detail field invoice_autobill.

invoice_due_date date

See detail field invoice_due_date.

invoice_payer_home_location string

See detail field invoice_payer_home_location.

invoice_payer_id integer

See detail field invoice_payer_id.

invoice_payer_name string

See detail field invoice_payer_name.

invoice_payer_primary_staff_name_at_sale string

See detail field invoice_payer_primary_staff_name_at_sale.

invoice_state enum

See detail field invoice_state.

issued_date date

See detail field issued_date.

issued_month_start_date date

Group by month of issued_date. Months are represented by their first date.

issued_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of issued_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

issued_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of issued_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

issued_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of issued_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

issued_year_start_date date

Group by year of issued_date. Years are represented by their first date.

purchase_request_state enum

See detail field purchase_request_state.

sale_location_name string

See detail field sale_location_name.

Monthly Business Metrics

Summary of monthly transaction amounts, members, and enrollments over lifetime of business.


POST /desk/api/v3/reports/monthly_business_metrics/queries

Detail Fields

Available only when not grouping.

appointment_count integer

Count of unique appointment event occurrences scheduled in the month.

attendance_completed_count integer

Count of event occurrences scheduled in the month that had attendance completed.

business_id integer

Unique ID across all businesses.

business_name string

Name of the business.

business_subdomain string

Subdomain of the business.

class_count integer

Count of unique class event occurrences scheduled in the month.

client_booked_count integer

Count of enrollments during the month that were booked by the client.

client_completed_enrollment_count integer

Clients with a completed visit during the month.

client_w_plan_count integer

Total number of clients who have an available pass or plan at any time during the month.

completed_appointment_enrollment_count integer

Count of completed appointment enrollments during the month.

completed_class_enrollment_count integer

Count of completed class enrollments during the month.

completed_course_enrollment_count integer

Count of completed course enrollments during the month.

completed_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where the client was marked as attended.

completed_enrollment_per_client float

Average visits per client who completed a visit during the month.

completed_unpaid_count integer

Count of completed enrollments during the month that were unpaid.

course_count integer

Count of unique course event occurrences scheduled in the month.

currency_code string

Currency code is a three-letter code assigned to each currency based on ISO 4217.

due_invoice_count integer

Count of unique invoices due in the month.

enrollment_count integer

Count of unique enrollments during the month.

event_occurrence_count integer

Count of unique event occurrences scheduled in the month.

event_occurrence_organizer_count integer

Count of unique staff members that instructed an event occurrence during the month.

expected_amount currency

Total amount expected to be collected during the month given the discounts, coupons, and adjustments.

expired_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where the client was on the waitlist but never got enrolled in the event.

failed_transaction_count integer

Count of unique failed transactions made in the month.

first_visit_count integer

Count of clients who had their first completed visit during the month.

franchise_id integer

Unique ID of the holdings level business for the franchise.

key string

Unique value across all rows of a resource. This is a value specific to the Reporting API and is in no way used by the Pike13 web application or Core API.

Consider this value to be opaque and not conform to any particular format. However, you may safely assume that it will not exceed 255 characters in length.

Provide this value to starting_after to paginate through the rows of a query.

late_canceled_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where the client was marked as Late Cancelled.

member_count integer

Total number of clients who have an available pass or plan that grants membership at any time during the month.

membership_count integer

Count of recurring plans that were available during the month.

month_start_date date

The reporting month. Months are represented by their first date.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

net_paid_amount currency

Total amount of all successful transactions made in the month.

net_paid_pass_revenue_amount currency

Net paid less tax amount for passes made in the month.

net_paid_prepaid_revenue_amount currency

Net paid less tax amount for prepaid plans made in the month.

net_paid_recurring_revenue_amount currency

Net paid less tax amount for recurring plans made in the month.

net_paid_retail_revenue_amount currency

Net paid less tax amount for retail made in the month.

net_paid_revenue_amount currency

Portion of net_paid_amount that is not allocated to tax.

new_client_count integer

New clients created in the month.

new_client_w_plan_count integer

Clients whose first pass/plan started during the month.

new_member_count integer

Clients whose first membership started during the month.

new_staff_count integer

Count of staff members added during the month.

noshowed_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where the client was marked as No Show.

outstanding_amount currency

Total outstanding amount to be collected or unpaid amount during the month.

pack_count integer

Count of passes that were available during the month.

payments_amount currency

Amount of the successful payments made in the month.

plan_end_count integer

Count of passes/plans ended during the month.

plan_start_count integer

Count of passes/plans started during the month.

prepaid_count integer

Count of prepaid plans that were available during the month.

refunds_amount currency

Amount of the successful refunds made in the month.

registered_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where the client’s attendance has not been marked.

removed_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where the client was on the waitlist but removed from the waitlist before getting enrolled in the event.

reserved_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where the client is in the process of enrolling.

waiting_enrollment_count integer

Count of enrollments where the client is currently on the waitlist.

Summary Fields

Available only when grouping.

avg_client_completed_enrollment_count integer

Average of client_completed_enrollment_count.

avg_client_w_plan_count integer

Average of client_w_plan_count.

avg_member_count integer

Average of member_count.

business_id_summary string

ID of the business.

business_subdomain_summary string

Subdomain of the business.

monthly_business_count integer

Count of Monthly Business records.

total_attendance_completed_count integer

Sum of attendance_completed_count.

total_completed_enrollment_count integer

Sum of completed_enrollment_count.

total_count integer

Total count of all rows matching the query.

total_enrollment_count integer

Sum of enrollment_count.

total_event_occurrence_count integer

Sum of event_occurrence_count.

total_first_visit_count integer

Sum of first_visit_count.

total_net_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount.

total_net_paid_revenue_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_revenue_amount.

total_new_client_count integer

Sum of new_client_count.

total_new_client_w_plan_count integer

Sum of new_client_w_plan_count.

total_new_member_count integer

Sum of new_member_count.

total_payments_amount currency

Sum of payments_amount.

total_refunds_amount currency

Sum of refunds_amount.


business_id integer

See detail field business_id.

business_name string

See detail field business_name.

business_subdomain string

See detail field business_subdomain.

currency_code string

See detail field currency_code.

quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of month_start_date.

year_start_date date

Group by year of month_start_date.


Details of staff member pay, pay rates, services, and hours.


POST /desk/api/v3/reports/pays/queries

Detail Fields

Available only when not grouping.

base_pay_amount currency

Portion of final_pay_amount that is base pay. Base pay is the pay rate assigned to a service.

business_id integer

Unique ID across all businesses.

business_name string

Name of the business.

business_subdomain string

Subdomain of the business.

currency_code string

Currency code is a three-letter code assigned to each currency based on ISO 4217.

final_pay_amount currency

Total amount that should be paid to the staff member.

franchise_id integer

Unique ID of the holdings level business for the franchise.

key string

Unique value across all rows of a resource. This is a value specific to the Reporting API and is in no way used by the Pike13 web application or Core API.

Consider this value to be opaque and not conform to any particular format. However, you may safely assume that it will not exceed 255 characters in length.

Provide this value to starting_after to paginate through the rows of a query.

pay_description string

Description of the pay, which adds a bit of detail to the pay type. Description may contain the service name or a custom description for ad hoc pays.

pay_id integer

Unique ID across all pays.

pay_period range

Range of dates defining the period for which the pay was awarded.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

pay_period_end_date date

End date of the pay period.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

pay_period_start_date date

Start date of the pay period.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

pay_recorded_at datetime

Date and time when the pay was created. Pays are created when the attendance is confirmed and when an ad hoc pay is created.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

pay_reviewed_at datetime

Date and time when the pay was reviewed.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

pay_reviewed_by_id integer

Person ID for the pay reviewer. Unique across all people.

pay_reviewed_by_name string

Name of the person who reviewed the pay.

pay_reviewed_date date

Date when the pay was reviewed.

Date component of pay_reviewed_at.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

pay_state enum

Current state of the pay.

pay_type enum

Type of the pay.

per_head_pay_amount currency

Portion of final_pay_amount that is per-head pay. Per head pay is the bonus set for each client after the minimum event occurrence attendance is reached.

revenue_category string

Revenue categorie of the service.

service_category string

Category of the service.

service_date date

Date when the service happened.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

service_hours float

Service hours. Hours associated with service and pay rate. If the pay type is not service then this field will be zero.

service_id integer

Unique ID across all services.

service_location_name string

Location where the service happened.

service_name string

Name of the service.

service_type enum

Type of the service.

staff_home_location_name string

Current home location of person receiving the pay.

staff_id integer

Person ID of the staff member who should receive the pay. Unique across all people.

staff_name string

Name of staff member who should receive the pay.

tiered_pay_amount currency

Portion of final_pay_amount that is tiered pay. Tiered pay is the bonus set when a event occurrence attendance reaches a specific number.

Summary Fields

Available only when grouping.

business_id_summary string

ID of the business.

business_subdomain_summary string

Subdomain of the business.

pay_count integer

Count of unique pays.

service_count integer

Count of unique services.

total_base_pay_amount currency

Sum of base_pay_amount.

total_count integer

Total count of all rows matching the query.

total_final_pay_amount currency

Sum of final_pay_amount.

total_per_head_pay_amount currency

Sum of per_head_pay_amount.

total_service_hours float

Sum of service_hours.

total_tiered_pay_amount currency

Sum of tiered_pay_amount.


business_id integer

See detail field business_id.

business_name string

See detail field business_name.

business_subdomain string

See detail field business_subdomain.

pay_period range

See detail field pay_period.

pay_reviewed_by_id integer

See detail field pay_reviewed_by_id.

pay_reviewed_by_name string

See detail field pay_reviewed_by_name.

pay_reviewed_date date

See detail field pay_reviewed_date.

pay_state enum

See detail field pay_state.

pay_type enum

See detail field pay_type.

revenue_category string

See detail field revenue_category.

service_category string

See detail field service_category.

service_date date

See detail field service_date.

service_id integer

See detail field service_id.

service_location_name string

See detail field service_location_name.

service_name string

See detail field service_name.

service_type enum

See detail field service_type.

staff_home_location_name string

See detail field staff_home_location_name.

staff_id integer

See detail field staff_id.

staff_name string

See detail field staff_name.

Person Plans

Comprehensive data about passes and plans that are available for use or on hold


POST /desk/api/v3/reports/person_plans/queries

Detail Fields

Available only when not grouping.

account_manager_emails string

List of account manager emails for the recipient of the pass/plan, if the recipient is managed by one or more accounts.

account_manager_names string

List of account manager names for the recipient of the pass/plan, if the recipient is managed by one or more accounts.

account_manager_phones string

List of account manager phone numbers for the recipient of the pass/plan, if the recipient is managed by one or more accounts.

allowed_visit_count integer

Number of visits the pass/plan can be applied to in the time interval. Will be null if the plan is unlimited.

are_visits_shared boolean

Indicates whether the allowed_visit_count is shared among plan participants.

base_price currency

The base price of the plan in cents.

business_id integer

Unique ID across all businesses.

business_name string

Name of the business.

business_subdomain string

Subdomain of the business.

canceled_at datetime

Datetime when the pass/plan was canceled.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

canceled_by string

Full name of the person who canceled the pass/plan.

canceled_by_account_id integer

Unique ID across all accounts who canceled the pass/plan.

cancellation_fee_amount currency

Amount of cancellation fee.

charged_cancellation_fee_amount currency

Amount of cancellation fee charged, given the discounts, coupons, and adjustments.

commitment_length integer

The required number of payments to satisfy the commitment, if applicable.

completed_visit_count integer

Total number of completed visits in history.

currency_code string

Currency code is a three-letter code assigned to each currency based on ISO 4217.

deactivated_at datetime

Datetime when the person pass/plan was deactivated due to the person being removed from a group plan.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

email string

Email of the recipient of the pass/plan.

end_date date

The end date when the pass/plan was scheduled. Will be null when the plan is unlimited.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

exhausted_at datetime

Datetime when the last punch was used on this pass/plan. If the plan still has visits available when the scheduled_end_date comes, exhausted_at is null.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

first_name string

First name of the recipient of the pass/plan.

first_visit_date date

Date when the first visit using the current plan happened.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

first_visit_day enum

The day of first_visit_date.

0 Sunday
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday
first_visit_instructor_names string

List of staff instructor names of the first visit.

first_visit_time time

Time component of first_visit_date.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

first_visit_to_next_plan integer

Number of days from the first visit date to the start date of the next plan.

franchise_id integer

Unique ID of the holdings level business for the franchise.

full_name string

Full name of the recipient of the pass/plan.

grants_membership boolean

Indicates whether the pass/plan grants membership status.

has_cancellation_fee boolean

Indicates whether there's a fee for canceling the pass/plan.

home_location_name string

Current home location of recipient of the pass/plan.

invoice_interval_count integer

Number of invoice units in an interval.

invoice_interval_unit enum

Unit of invoice interval. Will be not_applicable when plan_type is pack or prepaid.

is_available boolean

Indicates whether the pass/plan is currently available for use by the client. A plan is considered to be available when it is past the start_date, before it’s end_date, is currently not on hold, not deleted, not deactivated, not used up.

is_canceled boolean

Indicates whether the pass/plan was canceled.

is_cancellation_fee_charged boolean

Indicates whether the cancellation fee was charged for the pass/plan.

is_complimentary_pass boolean

Indicates whether the pass/plan is a complimentary pass.

is_deactivated boolean

Indicates whether the person pass/plan was deactivated.

is_deleted boolean

Null for all records since we don’t report on deleted plans.

is_ended boolean

Indicates whether the pass/plan is currently ended.

is_exhausted boolean

Indicates whether the last punch was used on this pass/plan.

is_first_membership boolean

Indicates whether the pass/plan granted the client's first membership status.

is_first_plan boolean

Indicates whether the pass/plan is the client's first pass/plan.

is_last_hold_indefinite boolean

Indicates whether the pass/plan is currently on indefinite hold.

is_on_hold boolean

Indicates whether the pass/plan is currently on hold.

is_primary_participant boolean

Indicates whether the participant was the first one added to the pass/plan. A plan can be available to multiple participants.

key string

Unique value across all rows of a resource. This is a value specific to the Reporting API and is in no way used by the Pike13 web application or Core API.

Consider this value to be opaque and not conform to any particular format. However, you may safely assume that it will not exceed 255 characters in length.

Provide this value to starting_after to paginate through the rows of a query.

last_hold_by string

Full name of the person who put the pass/plan on hold.

last_hold_by_account_id integer

Unique ID across all accounts who held the pass/plan.

last_hold_end_date date

The end date of last hold created.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

last_hold_start_date date

The start date of last hold created.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

last_name string

Last name of the recipient of the pass/plan.

last_usable_date date

Last date when the pass/plan can be used. This is the earliest of end_date, exhausted_at, and deactivated_at.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

last_visit_date date

Date when the last visit using the current plan happened.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

last_visit_day enum

The day of last_visit_date.

0 Sunday
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday
last_visit_time time

Time component of last_visit_date.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

last_visit_to_next_plan integer

Number of days from the last visit date to the start date of the next plan.

latest_invoice_autobill boolean

Indicate whether the latest invoice for the pass/plan is autobill.

latest_invoice_due_date date

Due date of the latest invoice for the pass/plan. Will be in the future if the plan is current and paid to date.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

latest_invoice_item_amount currency

Amount of the latest invoice for the pass/plan.

latest_invoice_past_due boolean

Indicates whether the latest invoice for the pass/plan past due.

lifetime_used_visit_count integer

Total number of visits used in history.

middle_name string

Middle name of the recipient of the pass/plan.

next_plan_grants_membership boolean

Indicates whether the next pass/plan grants membership status.

next_plan_id integer

Unique ID across all plans. ID of the next pass/plan.

next_plan_name string

Name of the next pass/plan.

next_plan_revenue_category string

Business defined revenue category assigned to the next pass/plan.

next_plan_start_date date

The start date of the next pass/plan.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

next_plan_type enum

Type of the next pass/plan.

person_id integer

Unique ID across all people who receives the pass/plan.

person_plan_id integer

Unique ID across all person plans.

plan_id integer

Unique ID across all plans.

plan_location_id integer

Unique ID across all locations where the pass/plan can be used. Will be null when the plan can be used at all locations.

plan_location_name string

Location where the pass/plan can be used. Will be null when the plan can be used at all locations.

plan_name string

Name of the pass/plan.

plan_product_id integer

Unique ID across all plan products.

plan_type enum

Type of the pass/plan.

primary_staff_name string

Full name of the plan recipient's current primary staff member.

product_id integer

Unique ID across all products.

product_name string

Product name of the pass/plan.

remaining_commitment integer

Number of remaining invoices until commitment is satisfied, if applicable.

remaining_visit_count integer

Number of remaining visits the pass/plan can be applied to in the time interval. Will be null if the plan is unlimited.

revenue_category string

Business defined revenue category assigned to a service or product.

rollover_count integer

Number of visits allowed to rollover per visit refresh interval.

start_date date

The start date of the pass/plan.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

start_date_to_first_visit integer

Number of days from the start date of the current plan to the first visit date.

start_date_to_next_plan integer

Number of days from the start date of the current plan to the start date of the next plan.

stop_renewing_after_commitment boolean

Indicates whether billing will be stopped after the commitment is met.

term_acceptance_required boolean

Indicates whether clients are required to accept the terms and conditions.

term_accepted boolean

Indicates whether the terms and conditions are accepted.

used_for_initial_visit boolean

Indicates whether the pass/plan was used to pay for the client's first visit at the business.

used_visit_count integer

Number of visits used with the pass/plan in the time interval.

visit_refresh_interval_count integer

Number of visit refresh units in an interval.

visit_refresh_interval_unit enum

Unit of visit refresh interval. Will be not_applicable when plan_type is pack.


Summary Fields

Available only when grouping.

avg_first_visit_to_next_plan integer

Average of first_visit_to_next_plan.

avg_last_visit_to_next_plan integer

Average of last_visit_to_next_plan.

avg_start_date_to_first_visit integer

Average of start_date_to_first_visit.

avg_start_date_to_next_plan integer

Average of start_date_to_next_plan.

business_id_summary string

ID of the business.

business_subdomain_summary string

Subdomain of the business.

grants_membership_count integer

Total number of records where grants_membership is true.

has_cancellation_fee_count integer

Total number of records where has_cancellation_fee is true.

is_available_count integer

Total number of records where is_available is true.

is_canceled_count integer

Total number of records where is_canceled is true.

is_complimentary_pass_count integer

Total number of records where is_complimentary_pass is true.

is_first_membership_count integer

Total number of records where is_first_membership is true.

is_first_plan_count integer

Total number of records where is_first_plan is true.

is_on_hold_count integer

Total number of records where is_on_hold is true.

latest_invoice_past_due_count integer

Total number of records where latest_invoice_past_due is true.

next_plan_count integer

Total number of records where next_plan_id exists.

next_plan_grants_membership_percent integer

Percent of purchased another plan where next_plan_grants_membership is true.

next_plan_on_visit_date_percent integer

Percent of purchased another plan where first_visit_date equals next_plan_start_date.

next_plan_out_of_visited_percent integer

Out of people who visited, how much percent purchased another plan?

next_plan_percent integer

Percent of used where next_plan_id exists.

next_plan_within_week_percent integer

Percent of purchased another plan where days between first_visit_date and next_plan_start_date is between 0 and 6.

person_count integer

Count of unique people.

person_plan_count integer

Count of unique person plan records.

plan_count integer

Count of unique plans.

total_cancellation_fee_amount currency

Sum of cancellation_fee_amount.

total_charged_cancellation_fee_amount currency

Sum of charged_cancellation_fee_amount.

total_count integer

Total count of all rows matching the query.

total_latest_invoice_item_amount currency

Sum of latest_invoice_item_amount.

total_lifetime_used_visit_count integer

Sum of lifetime_used_visit_count.

total_used_for_initial_visit integer

Total number of person plan records where used_for_initial_visit is true.

total_used_visit_count integer

Sum of used_visit_count.

visited_count integer

Total number of records where first_visit_date exists.

visited_percent integer

Percent of records where first_visit_date exists.


are_visits_shared boolean

See detail field are_visits_shared.

business_id integer

See detail field business_id.

business_name string

See detail field business_name.

business_subdomain string

See detail field business_subdomain.

canceled_by string

See detail field canceled_by.

canceled_by_account_id integer

See detail field canceled_by_account_id.

end_date date

See detail field end_date.

first_visit_date date

See detail field first_visit_date.

first_visit_instructor_names string

See detail field first_visit_instructor_names.

first_visit_month_start_date date

Group by month of first_visit_date. Months are represented by their first date.

first_visit_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of first_visit_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

first_visit_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of first_visit_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

first_visit_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of first_visit_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

first_visit_year_start_date date

Group by year of first_visit_date. Years are represented by their first date.

full_name string

See detail field full_name.

grants_membership boolean

See detail field grants_membership.

has_cancellation_fee boolean

See detail field has_cancellation_fee.

home_location_name string

See detail field home_location_name.

is_available boolean

See detail field is_available.

is_canceled boolean

See detail field is_canceled.

is_cancellation_fee_charged boolean

See detail field is_cancellation_fee_charged.

is_complimentary_pass boolean

See detail field is_complimentary_pass.

is_deleted boolean

See detail field is_deleted.

is_first_membership boolean

See detail field is_first_membership.

is_first_plan boolean

See detail field is_first_plan.

is_last_hold_indefinite boolean

See detail field is_last_hold_indefinite.

is_on_hold boolean

See detail field is_on_hold.

last_hold_by string

See detail field last_hold_by.

last_hold_by_account_id integer

See detail field last_hold_by_account_id.

last_hold_end_date date

See detail field last_hold_end_date.

last_hold_start_date date

See detail field last_hold_start_date.

last_usable_date date

See detail field last_usable_date.

last_usable_month_start_date date

Group by month of last_usable_date. Months are represented by their first date.

last_usable_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of last_usable_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

last_usable_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of last_usable_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

last_usable_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of last_usable_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

last_usable_year_start_date date

Group by year of last_usable_date. Years are represented by their first date.

last_visit_date date

See detail field last_visit_date.

last_visit_month_start_date date

Group by month of last_visit_date. Months are represented by their first date.

last_visit_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of last_visit_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

last_visit_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of last_visit_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

last_visit_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of last_visit_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

last_visit_year_start_date date

Group by year of last_visit_date. Years are represented by their first date.

latest_invoice_autobill boolean

See detail field latest_invoice_autobill.

latest_invoice_due_date date

See detail field latest_invoice_due_date.

latest_invoice_past_due boolean

See detail field latest_invoice_past_due.

person_id integer

See detail field person_id.

plan_id integer

See detail field plan_id.

plan_location_id integer

See detail field plan_location_id.

plan_location_name string

See detail field plan_location_name.

plan_name string

See detail field plan_name.

plan_product_id integer

See detail field plan_product_id.

plan_type enum

See detail field plan_type.

primary_staff_name string

See detail field primary_staff_name.

product_id integer

See detail field product_id.

product_name string

See detail field product_name.

revenue_category string

See detail field revenue_category.

start_date date

See detail field start_date.

start_month_start_date date

Group by month of start_date. Months are represented by their first date.

start_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of start_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

start_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of start_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

start_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of start_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

start_year_start_date date

Group by year of start_date. Years are represented by their first date.

stop_renewing_after_commitment boolean

See detail field stop_renewing_after_commitment.

used_for_initial_visit boolean

See detail field used_for_initial_visit.

Staff Members

All staff member data — from tenure and events to birthdays and custom fields. Includes all staff members past and present.


POST /desk/api/v3/reports/staff_members/queries

Detail Fields

Available only when not grouping.

address string

Address of the staff member.

age integer

Age of the staff member.

also_client boolean

Indicates whether the staff member is also a client.

attendance_not_completed_events integer

Count of events in the past with unconfirmed attendance where the staff member was an instructor.

birthdate date

Birthdate of the staff member.

business_id integer

Unique ID across all businesses.

business_name string

Name of the business.

business_subdomain string

Subdomain of the business.

currency_code string

Currency code is a three-letter code assigned to each currency based on ISO 4217.

custom_fields logical

All staff member custom fields for the business. This is not supported for the holdings level business of a franchise.

Each custom field will be returned as a separate field in the response.

days_until_birthday integer

Number of days until birthday.

email string

Email of the staff member.

first_name string

First name of the staff member.

franchise_id integer

Unique ID of the holdings level business for the franchise.

full_name string

First and last name of the staff member.

future_events integer

Count of events in the future where the staff member is an instructor.

home_location_id integer

Unique ID across all locations.

home_location_name string

Home location name of the staff member.

key string

Unique value across all rows of a resource. This is a value specific to the Reporting API and is in no way used by the Pike13 web application or Core API.

Consider this value to be opaque and not conform to any particular format. However, you may safely assume that it will not exceed 255 characters in length.

Provide this value to starting_after to paginate through the rows of a query.

last_name string

Last name of the staff member.

middle_name string

Middle name of the staff member.

past_events integer

Count of events in the past where the staff member was an instructor.

person_id integer

Unique ID of the staff member across all people.

person_state enum

Current state of the staff member.

phone string

Phone number of the staff member.

role enum

Staff member permission.

show_to_clients boolean

Indicates whether the staff member is shown to clients.

staff_since_date date

Date when the person became a staff.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

tenure integer

Number of days since staff_since_date.

tenure_group enum

tenure group.

0_month Became a staff member in last 30 days.
1_quarter Became a staff member between 30 days and 90 days ago.
2_year Became a staff member between 90 days and a year ago.
3_two_years Became a staff member in between 1 year and 2 years ago.
4_three_years Became a staff member between 2 year and 3 years ago.
5_over_three_years Became a staff member more than 3 years ago.

Summary Fields

Available only when grouping.

also_client_count integer

Count of staff members where also_client is true.

business_id_summary string

ID of the business.

business_subdomain_summary string

Subdomain of the business.

demoted_staff_count integer

Count of staff members where role is demoted.

person_count integer

Count of unique staff members.

total_attendance_not_completed_events integer

Sum of attendance_not_completed_events.

total_count integer

Total count of all rows matching the query.

total_future_events integer

Sum of future_events.

total_past_events integer

Sum of past_events.


age integer

See detail field age.

also_client boolean

See detail field also_client.

business_id integer

See detail field business_id.

business_name string

See detail field business_name.

business_subdomain string

See detail field business_subdomain.

home_location_name string

See detail field home_location_name.

person_state enum

See detail field person_state.

role enum

See detail field role.

show_to_clients boolean

See detail field show_to_clients.

staff_since_date date

See detail field staff_since_date.

staff_since_month_start_date date

Group by month of staff_since_date. Months are represented by their first date.

staff_since_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of staff_since_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

staff_since_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of staff_since_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

staff_since_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of staff_since_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

staff_since_year_start_date date

Group by year of staff_since_date. Years are represented by their first date.

tenure_group enum

See detail field tenure_group.


Data about the money moving through your business.


POST /desk/api/v3/reports/transactions/queries

Detail Fields

Available only when not grouping.

business_id integer

Unique ID across all businesses.

business_name string

Name of the business.

business_subdomain string

Subdomain of the business.

commission_recipient_name string

Full name of the staff member receiving commission. Only provided when a commission recipient is specified at the time the invoice is created.

created_by_name string

Full name of staff or client who created the invoice.

credit_card_name enum

Name of the credit card used for the transaction, if applicable.

currency_code string

Currency code is a three-letter code assigned to each currency based on ISO 4217.

error_message string

Error message if transaction failed.

external_payment_name string

Name of the external payment type as designated by the business, such as bitcoin or giftcard.

failed_at datetime

Date and time when the transaction failed.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

failed_date date

Date when the transaction failed.

Date component of failed_at.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

franchise_id integer

Unique ID of the holdings level business for the franchise.

invoice_autobill boolean

Indicates whether the invoice was created automatically.

invoice_due_date date

Date when the invoice is expected to be paid.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

invoice_id integer

Unique ID across all invoices.

invoice_number string

Unique ID across all invoices for each business. For a franchise report, this number would not be unique, it is only unique at the business level.

This is different from invoice_id in that invoice_id is unique across all invoices, not just those for this business.

invoice_payer_email string

Email of the person responsible for payment of the invoice.

invoice_payer_home_location string

Current home location of person paying for the invoice.

invoice_payer_id integer

Unique ID across all people.

invoice_payer_name string

Full name of the person responsible for payment of the invoice.

invoice_payer_phone string

Phone number of the person responsible for payment of the invoice.

invoice_payer_primary_staff_name_at_sale string

Full name of the invoice payer's current primary staff member.

invoice_state enum

Current state of the invoice.

key string

Unique value across all rows of a resource. This is a value specific to the Reporting API and is in no way used by the Pike13 web application or Core API.

Consider this value to be opaque and not conform to any particular format. However, you may safely assume that it will not exceed 255 characters in length.

Provide this value to starting_after to paginate through the rows of a query.

net_paid_amount currency

Amount of the successful transaction. For payments, this is the paid amount. For refunds, this is the refunded amount.

net_paid_revenue_amount currency

Portion of net_paid_amount that is not allocated to tax.

net_paid_tax_amount currency

Portion of net_paid_amount that is allocated to tax.

payment_method enum

Payment method of the transaction.

payment_method_detail string

Details of the credit card or ACH payment_method used for the transaction. Credit cards details may include credit card name, last 4 digits, and expiration date. ACH details may include bank name and the masked account number displaying the 1st and last 4 digits.

payment_transaction_id integer

For refunds only. Unique transaction_id of the original payment which was refunded.

payments_amount currency

Amount of the successful payment.

processing_method enum

Processing method of the transaction.

american_express American Express
global_pay Visa, MasterCard, and Discover.
other Other processing methods
processor_transaction_id string

ID associated with the payment method used for the transaction, if available. For example, this could be the check number when purchased with a check or the processing ID from a merchant processor when a credit card is used.

refunds_amount currency

Amount of the successful refund.

sale_location_name string

Name of the business location where the sale occurred.

transaction_amount currency

Amount of the transaction.

transaction_at datetime

Date and time when the transaction was created.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

transaction_autopay boolean

Indicates whether the transaction was created as part of automated billing.

transaction_date date

Date when the transaction was created.

Date component of transaction_at.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

transaction_id integer

Unique ID across all transactions.

transaction_state enum

Current state of the transaction.

transaction_type enum

Type of the transaction.

voided_at datetime

Date and time when the transaction was voided.

Provided in event's time zone, which is either the event location's time zone or the business time zone, if no event location exists.

Summary Fields

Available only when grouping.

business_id_summary string

ID of the business.

business_subdomain_summary string

Subdomain of the business.

failed_count integer

Count of unique failed transactions.

invoice_count integer

Count of unique invoices.

settled_count integer

Count of unique settled transactions.

total_count integer

Total count of all rows matching the query.

total_net_ach_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is ach.

total_net_american_express_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is creditcard and credit_card_name is american_express.

total_net_amex_processing_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where processing_method is american_express.

total_net_cash_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is cash.

total_net_check_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is check.

total_net_credit_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is credit.

total_net_discover_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is creditcard and credit_card_name is discover.

total_net_external_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is external.

total_net_global_pay_processing_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where processing_method is global_pay.

total_net_mastercard_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is creditcard and credit_card_name is mastercard.

total_net_other_credit_card_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is creditcard and credit_card_name is othercreditcard.

total_net_other_processing_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where processing_method is other.

total_net_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount.

total_net_paid_revenue_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_revenue_amount.

total_net_paid_tax_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_tax_amount.

total_net_visa_paid_amount currency

Sum of net_paid_amount where payment_method is creditcard and credit_card_name is visa.

total_payments_amount currency

Sum of payments_amount.

total_refunds_amount currency

Sum of refunds_amount.

transaction_autopay_count integer

Count of unique transactions created as part of automated billing.

transaction_count integer

Count of unique transactions.


business_id integer

See detail field business_id.

business_name string

See detail field business_name.

business_subdomain string

See detail field business_subdomain.

commission_recipient_name string

See detail field commission_recipient_name.

created_by_name string

See detail field created_by_name.

credit_card_name enum

See detail field credit_card_name.

external_payment_name string

See detail field external_payment_name.

failed_date date

See detail field failed_date.

failed_month_start_date date

Group by month of failed_date. Months are represented by their first date.

failed_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of failed_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

failed_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of failed_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

failed_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of failed_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

failed_year_start_date date

Group by year of failed_date. Years are represented by their first date.

invoice_autobill boolean

See detail field invoice_autobill.

invoice_due_date date

See detail field invoice_due_date.

invoice_id integer

See detail field invoice_id.

invoice_number string

See detail field invoice_number.

invoice_payer_home_location string

See detail field invoice_payer_home_location.

invoice_payer_id integer

See detail field invoice_payer_id.

invoice_payer_name string

See detail field invoice_payer_name.

invoice_payer_primary_staff_name_at_sale string

See detail field invoice_payer_primary_staff_name_at_sale.

invoice_state enum

See detail field invoice_state.

payment_method enum

See detail field payment_method.

processing_method enum

See detail field processing_method.

sale_location_name string

See detail field sale_location_name.

transaction_autopay boolean

See detail field transaction_autopay.

transaction_date date

See detail field transaction_date.

transaction_month_start_date date

Group by month of transaction_date. Months are represented by their first date.

transaction_quarter_start_date date

Group by quarter of transaction_date. Quarters are represented by their first date.

transaction_state enum

See detail field transaction_state.

transaction_type enum

See detail field transaction_type.

transaction_week_mon_start_date date

Group by week of transaction_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Monday).

transaction_week_sun_start_date date

Group by week of transaction_date. Weeks are represented by their first date (week starting Sunday).

transaction_year_start_date date

Group by year of transaction_date. Years are represented by their first date.